How the "puppet" Mikhail Zborovsky became a cover for Cosmobet casino

How the "puppet" Mikhail Zborovsky became a cover for Cosmobet casino
How the "puppet" Mikhail Zborovsky became a cover for Cosmobet casino
In March 2024, a new casino appeared in Ukraine, which operates under the Cosmobet brand – the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries issued a license for its operation. But the paradox is that no one knows who exactly owns this casino.

The license to conduct gambling under the Cosmobet trademark was obtained by LLC "Neyrolink", registered on November 23, 2023, in Kyiv. It owns the Cosmobet trademark and operates as a casino under this brand. The owner and ultimate beneficiary of LLC "Neyrolink" is Zborovskyi Mykhailo, through LLC "Neoplay", which is the founder of LLC "Neyrolink". According to the report, only one person works in this company – director Vadim Klimenko.


LLC "Neoplay", in turn, was registered on July 6, 2023, its beneficiary and sole founder is also Mykhailo Zborovskyi. The director here is also Vadym Klymenko. Why LLC "Neoplay" itself did not buy a license to operate as a casino and needed an intermediary in the form of "Neyrolink" is unclear. Moreover, "Neoplay" itself also owns the Cosmobet trademark.

But further confusion arises. No one knows who Mykhailo Zborovskyi is, who suddenly emerged in Ukraine’s gambling market. The "Opendatabot" resource provides the following information, from which it follows that before engaging in the gaming business and opening two companies with a total authorized capital of 30 million 300 thousand hryvnias, he was an ordinary entrepreneur in the village of Krasylivka in the Ivano-Frankivsk region and was engaged in programming there.

It is possible that programmer Zborovskyi did indeed make enough money to register two enterprises and the Cosmobet trademarks (there are five of them with slightly different graphics), buy a license, equipment, and hire staff to run the casino. But the story doesn’t seem to add up.

It seems that the real owner of the new casino realized that the figure of the "beneficiary" of the Cosmobet casino looks like an ordinary front. And therefore, an urgent biography of Mykhailo Zborovskyi appeared on the web.

The biography was clearly slapped together hastily and includes everything imaginable to somehow create a legend of Mykhailo Zborovskyi organizing his own casino. But what raises even more suspicions is not this rather shaky biography, but the truly staggering number of resources where it has been posted. If you search for "Mykhailo Zborovskyi" on a search engine, the results are truly astonishing – his biography, in the form screenshotted above, is even available in Hebrew. But that’s not all – the screenshot below shows the result of the 10th (!) page of the search results:

The previous nine pages were the same, and we got tired of checking further, although we suspect that the same results continue past the 10th page. To clog up search results to this extent requires enormous amounts of money. And – very compelling reasons to spend it on such madness.

There are reasons behind this madness. They completely justify both the spending on cluttering the internet with the same text and explain where the money comes from for all this, as well as for registering companies, buying licenses, and organizing the work of the Cosmobet casino.

Specifically – the reason is Sergey Tokaryev. The owner of the Cosmolot casino, a friend of the Minister of Digital Transformation Fedorov, and also the holder of a Russian passport. In 2018, he was included in the sanctions list for financing the Donbas people’s republics, where he was supposed to remain until 2021, but in 2020 he received "amnesty" from the new government.

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It is Tokaryev who is the owner of the new casino operating under the strangely similar brand and name Cosmobet. The scandal around the Cosmolot casino does not subside and, although it has been possible to suppress it so far – LLC "Speyskiks", operating under the Cosmolot brand, is also registered to a nominal – Tokaryev either learned that his Cosmolot would indeed lose its license or decided to hedge his bets. Or he just made so much money on "Cosmolot" that he decided to expand his business.

Thus, two new companies appeared – LLC "Neyrolink" (incidentally, its name is "copied" from Elon Musk’s Neuralink) and LLC "Neoplay", the Cosmobet casino, and its "beneficiary" Mykhailo Zborovskyi. He has already managed to publish two blogs on the website, which are supposed to confirm his extensive knowledge of gambling, gaming, and business. His only available photo for the public is also posted there so far.

The blogs of the newfound "beneficiary" of the new Ukrainian casino operating under the Cosmobet brand can be read at this link. But it might be better not to waste time. Instead, it would be better to study the personality of the real owner of the Cosmobet casino – Sergey Tokaryev, the history of his friendship with the Ukrainian government, and the scheme by which he registered the Cosmolot casino in Ukraine.

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